Nigeria Neighbourhood Watch & Community Service Corps

No place for Crime...

Commander General

Regulation 2 (Code of ethics)

This regulation shall be structured into sections.


Section 1: Origin of NNWCSC
Section 2: Code of Ethics
Section 3: Rules of Engagement
Section 4: Disciplinary Action


  1. "Neighbourhood Watch Structure": This is an all-encompassing phrase which shall include individual neighbourhood watches as well as neighbourhood watch associations and other structures such as the street committees, street watches, block watches, farm watches, cluster watches, business watches and flat watches.
  2. "Neighbourhood Support Initiative": This refers to a structure, consisting of a group of neighbourhood watches or such structures as referred to above.
  3. "Recognition": This refers to the status accorded a neighbourhood watch structure that has fulfilled all the requirements that are set out in criteria for recognition.
  4. "Registration": See Regulation 1.
  5. "Affiliation to local Community": This implies official representation of the neighbourhood watch structure in the Community Police Forum that exists in the area.
  6. "Official": This implies that a structure has been registered and is recognised accordingly.
  7. "Non-political": implies that the neighbourhood watch structure must not be affiliated to any political organisation, and also must not do any work for a political organisation.
  8. "Non-sexist": This implies that the neighbourhood watch structure must not discriminate on the grounds of sex, gender or sexual orientation.
  1. To nurture a sense of unity, dedication and good neighbourly relations among the residents of the area.
  2. To serve as a watchdog over the community and safeguard the community against criminal activities.
  3. To strive for a safe and secure environment.
  • To assist all security agencies to curb crime in neighbourhood and communities where the need arises
  • To create public awareness with regard to safety, crime prevention and protection of members of the public and their property.
  • To encourage the community to work in close co-operation with all security agencies.
  • To ensure that the neighbourhood watches and all form of vigilantism acts within the framework of the law.
  • To protect and preserve public and government properties.
  • To make positive and useful contributions to the advancement, progress and wellbeing of the community by mobilizing and assisting in communal development efforts.


  • NNWCSC structure shall design and use its own logo and a letterhead in a way which is not contrary to its stated aims and objectives and in a manner which is not offensive.
  • NNWCSC must not use the same logo or letterhead as the logo of the local Community Police Forum or the same logo as the one used by any other Security Agencies.


    Nigerian Neighborhood Watch and Community Service Corps otherwise known as Better Life for Community and Neighborhood Support Initiative is established to synergize, collaborate and complement the efforts and activities of the military, police, DSS and other security agencies in Nigeria. The establishment of the NNWCSC was necessitated as a result of insecurity ranging from kidnapping, banditry, cattle rustling, armed robbery and other social vices ravaging our various communities. 11 man committee was formed to design the emergence of NNWCSC. The 11 man committee known as the Board of Trustee members of NNWCSC comprises of seasoned and experienced security experts, professionals, technocrats and well meaning Nigerians in other endeavors of life.

    The Board of Trustee of NNWCSC are as follows:
    1. AIG Ahmed Iliyasu (Rtd),psc+,FAISSON,CSP,PhD. BOT Chairman
    2. Adedoyin Olanrewaju Nureni ACA, FCAi, BOT Secretary
    3. Adesina Ebenezer (Rtd) Director, DSS Member
    4. Ibrahim Kabiru Member
    5. Otunba James Udoma Member
    6. Aremu Folake Member
    7. Major Tijan Taofeek (Rtd) Member
    8. Ogechukwu Fidelia Member
    9. Ambrose John Osesiamhe Member
    10. Amore Juliana Oluwatoyin Member
    11. Amb. Ajadi Oluwafemi Oguntoyinbo Member.


    This code of conduct and the constitution shall be binding on all Nigerian Neighborhood Watch and Community Service Corps Structures and the members thereof. This Code of Conduct regulates the relationship between members of the NNWCSC and members of the community and promotes exemplary conduct by members whilst they are serving the community as a member of the NNWCSC.

    All members of NNWCSC:
    1. Regard and protect the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and other Extant laws..
    2. Respect the rights and dignity of all individuals regardless of their background or circumstances..
    3. Adhere to all relevant laws and regulations governing security operations and activities with special reference to NNWCSC..
    4. Take Responsibility Voluntarily and maintain confidentiality and discretion in handling sensitive information and incidents in the line of Duty..
    5. Exercise professionalism, training and integrity in all interactions with NNWCSC members, community members, traditional/civil authorities and other stakeholders in the line of duty..
    6. Refrain from engaging in any form of criminality, discrimination, harassment, or abuse towards members of NNWCSC, individuals or groups in community of operation..
    7. Use force only when absolutely necessary for self defense and in accordance with established protocols and guidelines..
    8. Report any misconduct, violations or unethical behavior observed within the organization or during security operations to superiors in NNWCSC..
    9. Not disrespect or disregard the hierarchical structure of authority established in NNWCSC; strict obedience of superior command..
    10. Compulsorily participate in enhancing skills and knowledge through training and professional development opportunities in NNWCSC or as recommended by the authorities..
    11. Collaborate with local communities and authorities to build trust and foster positive relationships; non acceptance of payment, commission or gratification as NNWCSC member except as otherwise authorized by a NEC member in writing..
    12. Uphold the mission and values of the NNWCSC and work towards the promotion of safety, security and peace in the areas of operation..
    13. Carry out duties as assigned with diligence and commitment and not exploit membership of NNWCSC or its structure for personal business or benefit..
    14. Must not sue any NEC or member of NNWCSC in the event of any loss or misunderstanding but subject to mediation and conflict resolution set up by representatives of the parties involved and the NEC. .
    15. Adhere to disciplinary action or resign when found wanting..
    16. With the exception of authorized person(s) NNWCSC Members are prohibited from reproducing the insignia, logo, uniform or seal of the organization at any time or for any purposes.
    17. Authentic social media accounts for NNWCSC is only as created by the NEC or authorized persons. Any other account traceable to any member will be strictly penalized.
    1. 1. Members of NNWCSC must work in synergy and collaboration with the military, police, DSS and other Security Agencies.
    2. Pepper spray or CS gas emitters and electric stun guns are permitted but may only be used in self-defence, when physical damage has been committed or you are certain that an offence will be committed.
    3. Each member going on patrol must have at least one cellphone in each car or group of members on foot patrol. Members of NNWCSC are not expected or required to confront any persons of any race creed or gender whether they are suspected of being about to commit a crime. The duty of the members on patrol is to report any suspicious person or vehicle in the neighbourhood, Members shall use their own discretion as to whether to drive around their allocated cluster or whether to remain stationary and in the latter instance whether or not to keep the vehicle’s engine running. NNWCSC members shall follow any instructions from the response vehicle as to whether to follow the suspects or maintain observation.
    4. NNWCSC members shall withdraw from any scene or incident forthwith upon any violence being used or threated and shall not confront the perpetrators.
    5. NOTHING herein contained shall restrict the rights of any member as an individual to defend him or herself using reasonable force to do if faced with a situation where the member or any other person on duty with such a member subjected to actual or reasonably anticipated violence.
    6. Any incident shall forthwith be recorded briefly in writing with detail of time: place; number of suspects or perpetrators; description of perpetrators by name, age, size and colour and clothing followed by a brief description of incident.

  • A member who is in breach of this Code of Conduct may lose his or her membership in terms of disciplinary procedures instituted by the NNWCSC as provided in the founding document of the NNWCSC.


    Amendment to this Code of Conduct may be made, as required, and will be published by the Admin Department.